AACPS Partner News
Old Mill Cheers on Newest Addition to Digital Classroom Project
OMHS Honorees Entering the GymOn January 3, Old Mill High School welcomed a new maneuverable robot, which will allow Old Mill students who are homebound for medical reasons to continue attending classes and interacting with classmates. Helping to lead the celebration was Peter Jauschnegg, an OMHS 2017 graduate who used a similar robot in 2015-2016 while undergoing treatments for leukemia and was instrumental in garnering funding support for the new robot.

The Digital Classroom Project was launched to provide technology to schools where students had limited access to hand-held computer devices. What started with providing tablets and a charging cart to schools where the need for technology was great, has expanded to include other technological devices. Since 2014, the 21st Century Education Foundation and its community partners have raised over $60,000 to provide 17 Digital Classroom Projects to schools across the county. 

If you or your business would like to support the AACPS Digital Classroom Project, please contact Carol Ann McCurdy at cmccurdy@aacps.org.

Calling All Partners: Judges & Sponsors Needed for History Day, Science & Engineering Expo Competitions
The National History Day Competition is a unique academic competition for middle school & high school students. This year, students will create exhibits, documentaries, papers, performances, and websites related to the theme of Conflict & Compromise in History. We are looking for business and community partners interested in judging our 2018 competition on Saturday, February 17, and/or providing promotional items for the students’ gift bags. If you are interested, please contact Eve Case, Social Studies Coordinator, at ecase@aacps.org

The 2018 Regional Science & Engineering Expo will bring over 350 of the brightest student scientists together to share and celebrate their ideas and inquiries. Students will compete for prizes, cash awards, internships, and the chance to attend the 2018 International Science & Engineering Fair. To make this event a success for our AACPS students, we need community judges and sponsors. If you are interested in being involved with the 2018 Regional Science & Engineering Expo on March 3, contact Valerie Wesner, Science Program Coordinator, at vwesner@aacps.org.

In AACPS’ $1.19 Billion Budget, the Bottom Line is Always the People
On December 20, Superintendent George Arlotto recommended a $1.19B FY2019 Operating Budget for the 2018-2019 School Year. In his address to the Board of Education, Dr. Arlotto emphasized his commitment to the foundation of the school system. “When it comes to the success of our students, it’s about people,” Dr. Arlotto told the Board. “We must continue to take care of our people.”
Dr. Arlotto’s plan includes 190.7 teaching positions which will address increases in enrollment and class size, support English Language Acquisition classes, expand the Enhancing Elementary Excellence (Triple-E) program to the Annapolis cluster, and help open the Carrie Weedon Early Education Center in south county. Dr. Arlotto’s budget also includes compensation increases for all eligible employees. Click here to see Dr. Arlotto’s complete budget recommendation. 

Business Partner Spotlight:
Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods MarketFor more than nine years, Whole Foods Market has been supporting the community through creative partnerships with our school system. What started with hosting salsa-making classes for elementary school students and donating fruit for health fairs has grown into support of systemwide initiatives, including providing incentives to promote Harvest for the Hungry, sharing resources with new teachers at the Educator Expo, and donating money through Nickels for Nonprofits to support the Backpack Buddies Program. One especially fun event has been Whole Foods’ 5% Day where teachers and administrators from around the county came to Whole Foods Annapolis and served samples to students and their families. Whole Foods donated 5% of sales from the entire day to the 21st Century Education Foundation to support AACPS programs and initiatives.

For Whole Foods Market, partnering with the school system has been a win-win, allowing them to support students and families while pursuing one of their own core values: to serve and support the local and global community. As Martel Kelleher, Marketing & Communications Liaison shared, “There is no better way to reach the community than through the school system.”

Mark Your Calendar
History Day Competition
Saturday, February 17
Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Saturday, March 3
Teacher Diversity Job Fair
Saturday, March 3
Arlington Echo 50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, April 21

21st CEF “Dine
Around Town”
Sunday, April 22

2018 Excellence in
Education Dinner
Wednesday, April 25

Donate Now
Make a tax-deductible gift to the 21st Century Education Foundation and invest in the future of our AACPS students, families, and schools.

Faces of AACPS Spotlight
Juliana Boyle, Alum, SRHS '17“Everything changed when I enrolled in the Global Communications and Public Affairs Signature Program… The class taught me how to handle myself in business environments, how to pursue a career that I am passionate about, how to network and create valuable connections, and how to go out into the real world, ready for anything it can throw at me.”
Read more.

Host a Student Internship

Student interns add a fresh perspective to the workforce, increase productivity, and create a pipeline for future employees. Learn how your business can host an AACPS student internship. 

Support AACPS While You Shop--Amazon Smile; you shop, Amazon gives.

Use Amazon Smile when shopping online and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to the 21st CEF. 

If you have questions about this newsletter or know someone who would like to receive this alert, please contact Lauren Grey-Hawkins at lgrey-hawkins@aacps.org.

Anne Arundel County Public Schools
PDM Department, 2644 Riva Rd, Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-266-3287 | Fax: 410-222-5641 | Email: lgrey-hawkins@aacps.org
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